So, You Like Horses…
So, you like horses and you have so many questions? We invite you to experience horses through conversations with 3 generations of women, who share their experiences with riding and life. Expert instructors Kathryn and Elle Tilkin and Julia Kubicek have been through countless humorous and humbling barn experiences, from getting bucked off of ponies to competing at Nationals. You’ll also hear from influential people in the horse world and those who are just curious about horses. Let’s ride.
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Kathryn first realized her love for horses when she looked into the giant eye of a horse named Big Red on a family outing to Griffith Park in Los Angeles in 1976. She was 5 years old. The brief interaction began a life-long passion that she’s still eager to share with anyone who has any bit of interest in horses.
Kathryn’s horse education was largely self-taught through trial and error in the pasture on her family’s farm on Whidbey Island in Washington State, before joining 4-H and earning awards in Western Gaming including barrel racing, pole bending and drill team. As Kathryn pursued a Business Marketing degree at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo she always had in her mind her first interaction with Big Red and an idea to open a riding stable to give others that first magical experience.

Elle grew up at Short Acres Farm in Hockinson, WA from the time she was 1 year old, and developed into the rare trainer who competes and instructs in both English and Western. Elle was not immediately passionate for horses. At first, she was more interested in wearing ballet tutus and twirling around the farm, until the age of 5 when the horse switch suddenly flipped on. Riding her pony, Spring Bikini, became a daily part of her childhood. Elle was the only kid who sometimes rode her pony up the road to elementary school.
As the daughter of a Western trainer, Elle’s desire to learn and ask questions unexpectedly led to an early career in Hunter Jumpers. Friends would come over daily to ride both English and Western, challenging each other to try new things.

Julia Kubicek has 6 decades of riding experience. She began her love of horses at 6 years old with a barely trained pony named Kim at her family’s small farm in Massachusetts. Julia taught herself everything it takes to be a horse woman, while still a young girl, which included lots of bumps and bruises and getting back in the saddle.
As she grew, and got a more accomplished horse named Brandy Wine, Julia’s father supported her love of English riding by putting a trailer hitch on his muscle car to take Julia, her horse and trailer to riding shows.
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